Tuesday, October 25, 2011

[CE] Baby Rescued From Earthquake In Turkey

This is from Al Jazeera.
Rescue workers have dug deeper into collapsed buildings in southeast Turkey in a bid to find those still trapped following an earthquake, as the death toll has risen above 400 people, with more than 1,000 people injured. In a remarkable episode on Tuesday that raised hopes that more survivors could yet be found, a two-week-old baby was pulled alive from the rubble, almost two days after being buried inside a collapsed apartment building. Rescue workers then pulled out the baby's mother, Semiha Karaduman, and grandmother, Gulzade Karaduman, to cheers and applause. Listening devices were being used to help locate people. The baby was in good health, but has been sent to a hospital in Ankara, the capital. 
After the 7.2 magnitude earthquake located in Turkey on Saturday, approximately five hundred aftershocks occurred. That is just insane. A two-week-old baby was found under debris in the Van region. Fortunately, the baby, mother, and grandmother made it through the earthquake, let alone surviving under all that rubble.

Workers and volunteers are using heavy machinery to make their way through the debris. It takes time, but it is definitely worth it if some one's life is on the line. Anyways, back to the baby. The baby wasn't even a month old yet! That is a very serious and dangerous situation to be in. The victims of the earthquake are still struggling. Luckily the baby, mother, and grandmother are safe now. Unfortunately, there are still other people out there somewhere.

[FREE] A Dream Deferred

A Dream Deferred
by Langston Hughes
   What happens to a dream deferred?
Does it dry up
like a raisin in the sun?
Or fester like a sore--
And then run?
Does it stink like rotten meat?
Or crust and sugar over--
like a syrupy sweet?
Maybe it just sags
like a heavy load.
Or does it explode?

A dream deferred is never forgotten. It is there, but not accomplished. I am sure we all have aspirations to achieve in life. There's usually an obstacle in our way. We have the option to overcome it, or we can ignore it and leave it as it is. 

 When I was younger, I was taught that if you have a good education, you will get into a good university, most likely have a good paying job, and basically a successful future. Of course I dream of graduating form high school, entering a university, and having a good career that pays good and enjoy. At this moment, I am putting those dreams aside, and working my way up towards them. Obviously, I have to go to school everyday to fulfill my dreams of pursuing them one day. 

It is sometimes necessary to defer a certain dream. Those dreams are temporarily put aside for a reason. Maybe you are progressing slowly towards it. Maybe you still aren't ready to reach it. Maybe you just need some more time. Just remember to not let the dream overpower you. Keep in mind that it takes time to achieve a dream.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

[CE] Bangkok Deals With Floods

This is from Al Jazeera.
The prime minister of Thailand has given no assurances that Bangkok would be saved from the rising floodwaters currently overwhelming sandbag walls on its outskirts. Residents were advised to move their possessions to higher floors or areas on Friday as the Thai capital braced for the arrival of the floods from the central plains, which are several metres under water in places. Three months of heavy monsoon rains have killed more than 300 people, damaged the homes and livelihoods of millions of Thais, mostly in the north and centre, and forced tens of thousands to seek refuge in shelters. The floods have not come, but the sense of imminent doom is growing by the day. One measure of the fear are the protective walls of sandbags scattered across the city's canals, homes and shop-fronts are expanding in number and height daily.
These floods are definitely stirring up a national crisis. This is really serious. Nobody can stop the floods from happening, whether soldiers or polices are called in. The people of Thailand are having to seek for higher grounds. All of their belongings will be damaged and lost. Some Thais even parked their cars on top of freeways/highways, to avoid the worsening floods.

The residents of Bangkok were warned to evacuate to higher grounds as soon as possible. I was watching the video clip, and I see all these people: young children, kids, adults and even elders. They were calmly making their way through the brown-watered flood. If I was there, I would be so scared for what to happen next. Plus all the damage. The expenses, and clean up process would be a lot to take in.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

[FREE] Tragic Accident: Toddler Ranover by 2 Cars

*this post is a response, but it's my free post*

I couldn't help to not write about this from Sarina's post. Sarina and I were talking about how selfish and stupid the drivers and witnesses were when we were in the multimedia art class that one day. To be honest, I was afraid to watch the video. I only watched the first thirty seconds of the video. It was heartbreaking just reading about it, and the video was even worse. I felt chills down my spine.

I don't understand how 18 people could have walked away from that. Are they seriouslt blind or something. Those people literally stepped right over the poor little girl. Just typing this is making me angry!! Plus, for the drivers to just leave the scene like nothing had happened is bs. That looks like a really narrow street with stores on both sides. Wouldn't that mean there are people around there? Can't they see a little girl laying in the streets in obvious pain? What is a matter with them? I have a three year-old sister, and hearing /seeing this almost brought me to tears as well.

 In this case, those two drivers were only thinking about thereselves and the trouble they'd be in. There are consequences to these actions. The would eventually get caught and be in prison anyways. I just cannot believe they didn't get out of their car to help the little girl or at least call for help. Instead, they just drove away and totally ignored her. Also, why didn't those 18 people do something too? If you see someone hurt, isn't your first instinct to call for some help? That's just common sense! I hope the girl's family is dealing with this fatal accident okay. That would be immpossible for me. I'm just saying.

[RE] Being Immature or Acting Your Age?

This is my response to Sharon's post.
i think people should stop worrying about other things going on around them, and just do something fun. Your never too old to have some fun. You can do whatever you want whenever you want. It's not gonna hurt just being something you want.
I agree with what Sharon is saying here but, I also think the opposite, if that makes any sense whatsoever.. You are obviously never too old to have some fun in your life. By the way, I had mentioned something like this in my recent biweekly column. I sometimes here people say "age is but a number". At times, I feel that people should act their age, yet on the other hand, we have to be more carefree and let loose sometimes. I guess there are pros and cons to acting your age and being mature/immature.

When I see people doing dumb things in public, I ask myself, "Why do people act so stupid on purpose?". I am not sure if I am going off topic or not, but whatever. Maybe it is because those certain people are in desperate need for attention. I am kind of taking Sharon's post and responding to it at a further extent. I don't know...Anyways, there is nothing wrong with acting like a little kid and having some fun. Just don't get carried away and make a fool of yourself. Maturity and immaturity are completely opposites. I guess it depends on the situation for us to act like one or the other.

Friday, October 14, 2011

[CE] Floods and Landslides Hit Guatemala

Another deadly natural disaster has happened, but this time in Guatemala instead of southeast Asia. It is very sad to watch something like this. To see all those people suffer with what had happened, especially those little kids in the video. There looks to be some very heavy rain there. It is scary to see what Mother Nature can do. I am sure I said something like that in one of my previous current events post. Anyways, I can barely imagine what it would feel like to have all of your personal belongings destroyed, but more importantly, have your house be flooded.

Most of those people are now having to live in public shelters because their homes are destroyed. In some areas in the video, I notice the water being a pretty deep for a small/young child, which is a safety concern. If I were to be in this kind of situation, I don't know what I would do besides worry about this and that. I am sure the Guatemalans are worrying about the outcome inside, but they don't seem to be afraid. I don't know what I am trying to say anymore. Anyways, it is good to see that they are dealing with this event positively and no one seems to be a wreckless mess, at least not in this video. On the other hand, thirteen people died unfortunately from this. Once the flooding is over, the streets of Guatemala will be covered with peoples' pesonal belongings and debri. When the damage is over, as well as the cleaning up, hopefully the peoples' lifestyle will return to normal again. They obviously won't forget what had happened though.

[FREE] Homecoming Assembly

I couldn't thing of a topic to write about for my free post. I am running out of ideas for what to write about for my free posts. Anyways, I decided to write about homecoming this year. This years pep rally wasn't as exciting, I guess you can say, as last year. That is just my opinion. In last years homecoming, there was a lot of music, the races felt longer, there was a cheer routine, etc.

The sophomores this year were actually loud. I remember being a freshman last year, and everyone was so quiet. Most of us last year just sat there, well at least I did. I guess it was just a totally, new experience. Something I am not used to. Today, so many people wore there class colors. Everyone at school was super colorful and some people went a little overboard. Oh yeah, when the principle made an announcement on the loud speaker about the paint in the hallways and safety concerns, I honestly thought that homecoming was going to be cancelled. But good thing it wasn't. Homecomings are fun to go to. It was overall really fun. There is just so much spirit and it gets you all hyped up. GO SOPHOMORES-2014!!!! I can't wait until next year. We will be juniors already. Finally green, a color that I own a lot of!  Then after we are going to be seniors, than no more AHS. Wow... it is finally getting to me.  I can't believe we are already half way through high school. It is going by too fast

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

[RE] Wasting Food

This is a response to Julie's post.
I grew up in a family where wasting food was not okay. We had to eat every single grain of rice as a symbol of thanks to the farmers and the workers that had to plant, collect, and produce the grain. It was also a way to acknowledge the many people all over the world that are starving!
I completely agree with Julie here. I also grew up in family, where wasting food was pretty much disrespectful. It was rude to not eat or finish your food. The food on your plate costs money and you are fortunate to have food to eat. Like what Julie had mentioned, I also get ticked off when people just toss their food away like it's worthless. It might not seem like a big deal, but it bothers me. In my opinion, throwing away precious food is like throwing away money in the trash. One of my younger sister barely ever finishes her food, and I am constantly reminding her to finish it ,or else she will be sorry for it some day.

People who waste food should keep in mind that not everyone in the world has a three couse meal a day or any food to eat in general. Think about other people in the world and how less fortunate they are. Even if eating your food doesn't help them from getting food, remember the fact that you are lucky to be eating whatever you're eating.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

[BC] Live Life to its Fullest

This paragraph from Steve Jobs' speech really caught my attention:

Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything — all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure - these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose.
                                                                                             - Steve Jobs, in a 2005 speech

I definitely agree with Jobs' advice here because I believe he is absolutely correct, at least in my opinion. Sometimes, you just have to live life like there is no tomorrow. We are not going to be living forever, so we might as well live life to it's fullest!

Here I am reading Job's advice over and over again, I feel like I understand the concepts, choices, and obstacles in life much better. When he mentions that we will all eventually die (obviously), everything becomes more real. Our death motivates us and the actions that go with it. All of our choices and accomplishments in life is our decision and whether we want do it or not. Knowing that death will soon arrive, we are more determined to do what we do, even if we have nothing to lose. Death is basically a reminder for us to do what we do. Also, death sets a boundary for what we want to do. What I mean by that is by knowing death is there, we will do whatever is necessary. I am not sure if I am making sense here...

In life, we all make mistakes, we probably failed at something, and  we were embarrassed by some of our actions. Sometimes you just have to put all of the negative things aside and focus on the more positive and important things in life. As death will soon approach us, we have to dig a little deeper in what is more important in life. You could wake up one day and have the sudden urge to complete a certain task. Just do it. Do what you feel is important to you. Someday, you won't we able to do whatever you intended to do, and you regret the fact that you had the chance, but gave it up.

I know that every single one of us has probably dealt with some insecurities before. Sometimes our emotions can overwhelm an individual. Because it could be something negative, we just got to ignore it and simply move on. The various choices in life enables us to make decisions that could determine our future. I now have a greater respect for life after reading this. Honestly, before reading part of Jobs' speech, I never really noticed how death is shaping our actions and accomplishments. Overall, I completely understand what Jobs' is trying to say here. Always remember to follow your instincts and enjoy life.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

[FREE] Old Cartoon Shows

I was sitting in the computer lab or multimedia art class, whatever room it is, and I was thinking what to write about for my free post. So then this random topic popped in my head. There was this one day when my sister and I were having a random conversation about cartoon shows. It was super random, but anyways we were comparing  about what cartoons nowadays are good and bad. We were talking about how Spongebob has been on TV forever, shows that have been cancelled, and stuff like that. Talking about old cartoons brings me back to my little kid days.

I was telling my sister about the old nickelodean shows like "Catdog", "As Told By Ginger", "Rocket Power", "Hey Arnold", and "The Wild Thornberries", etc. that aired during the 2000s. That seems like such a long time ago. Those were my favorite shows back then. I really miss watching those cartoons, especially if I am bored. I don't know if you guys still remember or have heard of  these shows, but I always will. I know they are just cartoons, but talking about them just brings back my childhood memories. *sigh* I wish they'd still play these shows on TV. The cartoons that are on TV now are just not the same as before.  I don't understand how shows like that are cancelled. But whatever, nothing I could do about it now. I found this picture on google. All the shows I used to watch.

[RE] Trick-or-Treating

This is a response to Gigi's post.
I'm probably too old to still trick-or-treat and stuff but it's so fun.
I  definitely agree with Gigi here. You are never too old to have some fun. In this case, going trick-or-treating on Halloween. I must admit, I go trick-or-treating almost ever year, at least that is what I remember. I go trick-or-treating with my little sisters, and I enjoy it.

I have to say, going up to a stranger's house and knocking on their door for free candy is pretty fun. It's a tradition on Halloween. I go for the fun of it. As this time of year comes around, I ask some people if they are going to go trick-or-treating, and they'd be like "Nah, I'm to old for that". Uh..., no you're not. I think you are never to old for that. I sometimes see adults go beg for candy on Halloween, and no, they don't have kids with them. Just because adults go trick-or-treating without kids, doesn't really make them immature... Or does it? I don't know. Whatever. Anyways, my point is that you can have fun no matter what your age is.

This Halloween, I am not quite sure what I am going to be. It sucks that Halloween will be on a Monday this year. All that candy, and then school the next day. :( I liked it how Halloween fell on Friday during one of the previous years. Hopefully, it will not rain this year.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

[CE] Heavy Rain In Southeast Asia

This is from Al Jazeera.
More than 100 people have died and tens of thousands of others have been displaced as monsoon rains continue to wreak havoc across Southeast Asia.
In Cambodia and southern Vietnam, more than a 100 people have died this week in the worst flooding along the Mekong River in 11 years. Heavy rain swamped homes, washed away bridges and forced thousands of people to evacuate.
So many people in Southeast Asia are suffering from the heavy rain and monsoons. Many people are injured, missing, and even dead because of the flooding. It's very unfortunate for something like this to happen. But then, it is mother nature, and we have no control over her whatsoever.Mother nature is so unpredictable!

Almost ever year, I hear about these storms in southeast Asia. It is pretty common there. But this year, it seems to be worse then the previous years. All of this flooding is really affecting the people and crops in southeast Asia. The rice paddies are getting overly watered. Cambodia, Vietnam, and Thailand are the main rice exporters and now that something like this has happen, it will increase inflation problems.

As the rain continues to pour, and floods are growing, many evacuations are being made. Authorities are urging people to evacuate from the more dangerous areas. Imagine how the streets will look like when this is over. Houses are flooded, streets are filled with peoples' belongings, etc. Everything will just be a mess. The clean up process will definitely take awhile. Hopefully,  the people of southeast Asia will work together on a positive note.

Friday, September 30, 2011

[ESSAY] What Makes Us Human

There are so many different features and aspects that make up a single human being. The thought of what makes us human beings bring to mind an endless list of reasonings, both positive and negative. Curiosity, conscience, self-awareness, symbolic cognition, and the need for bonding are some traits that distinguish us from other species. The definitive characteristic of a human being is our mind.

The human mind forms our thoughts and it is what sets us apart from other species. The ability for our minds to function, think, and plan in time is an important aspect in terms of the past, present, and future. We are able to set goals for ourselves and have aspirations to achieve in life. We also have the ability to be creative. Us human beings are like no other species, especially in our concepts of development in art, music, literature, and so on. Our creative abilities allow us to adapt to new situations and solve new problems. In addition to creativeness, we think abstractly. For instance, an architect can visualize a building, and lay it out on something known as a  blueprint. The architect then passes the blueprint to a builder who will obviously do his job and construct the vision that first formed in the mind of the architect. Most of the things human beings learn is through the five senses: smell, touch or feel, see, hear, and taste.

Humans have the capability to establish diverse languages. Our minds learn how to comprehend connection between distinctive numbers, words, and even letters. In addition to that, we have the skill of learning or at least choosing to learn, also understanding a particular language as well. Human beings have the desire to experience emotions, whether it is happiness, joy, pride, anger, sadness, depression or excitement. Our emotions can most likely determine our personality, environment, habits, and maybe even physical appearance, but keep in mind that human beings have the option of chosing right or wrong behavior. We can distinguish what is good from what is bad. Although some people choose the wrong path in life, which is their mistake.

Our minds have the intelligence to expand our economic system. We have the desire to work and be productive. That includes development and experimentation of theories, working at a job, and even at providing a living. We also have the talent to perform mathematics (plus other studies) and operate machinery and computers.

The human brain is very complex. It is an advantage for us because we are able to transfer information and knowledge to further generations. We have the potential to deal with a variety of conflicts. Our minds come up with solutions for our problems by simply our perspective on things. The human mind has the capacity to appreciate. We are able to appreciate beauty, humor, people, etc. For example, if you were to go to an art gallery, you would be instantly driven to the artwork on display. If you were to take your dog to an art gallery, your dog couldn't possibly care less.

In my honest opinion, I feel the human mind is one of the most important factors that make up a human being. One obvious factor that makes humans, human is our exterior features. One example is our body. Our muscles and bone structure determine the shape and size of our figure. Secondly, our face. All the distinct features that make up our face, like the shape of our eyes and eyebrows, the size of our nose, the length of our mouth, etc., but our interior is just as important. Even if you can't physically see it.

Human beings would not be able to function properly if it weren't for our mind. Each individual human being has his or her own individual, unique mind that makes them who they are. Our conscious tells us from what is right from wrong. Our mind lets us be imaginative and come up with all sorts of crazy thoughts. Plus, we are able to memorize certain events and other important stuff. Memory  is the ability to preserve, retain, and  recall knowledge, information or experiences.  The human species is so caught up in their daily lives and what goes on in the world, that we sometimes don't have the chance to really take the time to understand what actually goes on in our heads. I think the word for this is "metacognition". That is when you are thinking about what you are thinking. The concept of our mind is to perceive thing in many different ways, concentrating on all sorts of topics. Our thoughts are based upon things in the world and how we are able to interpret it from another.

Humanity is made up of many, diverse components, but I believe that the foundation for all of those components is our mind. Our mind has the knowledge to respond to the world in a meaningful way. For instance, cause and effect. If something spontaneous were to occur, we would most likely have a certain reaction or response to whatever it was. We often have conversations with ourselves "inside" our head all the time, or at least I do. That would be kind of abnormal if you don't. It is not necessarily talking to yourself. It is more like how we "make up" our mind. If ya kow what I am trying to say... No one has access to our thoughts.

We have the skill to make decisions and reason. We store our kowledge inour mind which will eventually produce our thoughts. It is a like a (very short) chain reaction. We use our senses to acknowledge something, then we understand it by using context and/or previous experiences/activities.

The definitive characteristic of humanity is simply our mind. All the unique, yet complex distinctions of the human mind is vital to how our species live today. I think that human beings are one of the most magnificent creatures of all time. All of the amazing abilities our mind has taken upon us is incredible and we barely even notice it.

Friday, September 23, 2011

[CE] Deadly Typhoon in Japan

This is from Al Jazeera.
It was the second big storm to hit Japan this month after Typhoon Talas hit western Japan and left about 100 people dead or missing. Around two to four typhoons make landfall each year in Japan.
 First the earthquake, then the tsunami, and now a typhoon in Japan. That is pretty scary. So many people had to cope with the ones they lost and now another natural disaster is occurring. What does Mother Nature have on us? I guess she is just very unpredictable. We obviously cannot control Mother Nature.

Because Japan is made up of many little islands, it is more common to have these type of situations there in comparison to here. It is unfortunate how events like this happen in the world sometimes. Fortunately, the Fukashima Power Plant was not affected by this natural disaster, although there were some glitches here and there. But at least no radiation was leaked into the water. If it did, that would would be a whole other story.

Looking back, the people of Japan have gone through some tough times this year. It is devastating to see others go through a difficult yet scary situation like this. Imagine actually being in their place, or even worse, being in a situation like that in person and going through the aftermath. The thought of that is terrfiying. Well at least for me. I hope the people of Japan will recover from everything they have been through. Hopefully, they will move on with positive thoughts on what has happened.

[RE] Jumping to Conclusions

This is from Sharon's blog.

If someone says to be them self then they shouldn't judge the person for who he/she is. Every time someone jumps to a conclusion when they don't even know one thing about that person.
 I totally agree with you here Sharon. The phrase "don't judge a book by it's cover" basically explains it all. I believe it is wrong to judge someone you don't even really know. I mean that is just plain rude to talk bs about someone behind their back. I hear people all the time talking about others and it annoys me. Honestly, I am sure we all have done this before, and probably regret it. If somebody is being their self, why are you going to judge them for being who they are? That's messed up.

I do get frustrated sometimes, like Sharon mentioned, when people do this. In my opinion, it is unfair. If you don't know someone, at least get to know them before you even start to talk crap about them. I talked about this subject some time before, and every time it comes up, it makes me angry. Don't get me wrong, but I am just trying to speak my mind here.

Well it's not like I can change all the judgemental people in the world. People who are judgemental should keep in mind that when they judge people they barely know, it is obnoxious and immature. Don't jump to conclusions when you don't know someone, or else you might regret it.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

[FREE] Insane Weather

What is with the weather in the bay area? It is currently September and it is like 90 degrees outside. It has been extremely hot lately. I can barely sleep at night. I lay in bed tossing and turning because it's sooo hot. I am glad I don't have PE at the end of the day. I would be sweating like crazy.

I think the weather was like this last year too. There was a couple of days in the fall last year  when there was a heat wave or something like that... I don't know. It sucks how the weather was not like this when it was actually summer. It is now fall and the weather is how it should be like in the summer. Weird huh?.. I hear it's suppose to cool down this weekend though. I just think it is strange having it be so hot when it's already fall. The past few days have been extra tiring because of this weather. I feel more lazier then i usually am. But I guess that's just me. This heat is just slowing me down more than i was before.

I mean don't get me wrong about hating on this weather. I just prefer the hot weather rather then  the cold. The classrooms are just really hot. Don't we have any a/c at our school? In each one of my classes, it is soo stuffy and hot in there. Plus I walk home after school, which makes pretty much makes everything worse.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

[BC] A Game of Hide and Seek

It was a blazing hot day in the middle of summer vacation. A group of nine-year old friends are sitting outside on Janice's front porch eating a melting popsicle. The popsicle is literally dripping slowly down their fingers. Eventually, the friends decide to head inside Janice's house, where there is air conditioner.

The group of friends decide to play a game of hide and seek. Janice is counting to ten. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven ,eight , nine, ten, ready or not here I come... Adrenaline kicks in Lauren. She finds herself standing in front of an old door with paint chipping off of it. The first thing that came to Lauren's mind is that she's about to enter Janice's basement. She opens the creaking door quickly and walks in. The rusty hinges of the old door squealed like fingernails on a dusty chalkboard.

Once entering, she finds herself surrounded in a  blanket of darkness. She hears a loud slam, noticing it's the door behind her. Lauren's heart rate is increasing as the feeling of panic is making it's way into her. She tries to search for the light switch around her, but she suddenly remembers something. Before the game, Janice had warned the group of friends to not hide in the basement because the light switch is towards the back wall of the basement. She felt as if someone had spun and blind-folded her, then shoved her inside a closet. She somehow makes her way down the old concrete stairs one step at a time. She finds her hands touching a  sharp, rough surface. At first, she's thinking that she's going to use this to help keep her balance down the stairs. She then realizes that this is the stair railing. She grips the railing and feels something soft brush across her left cheek. "It tickles", she thought to herself. She shakes her head and and touches her cheek. A soft, sticky feeling brushes against her fingertips. It was a gross, old spiderweb. She shrieks. She was grossed out for sure.

Lauren finds that the rough surface is disappearing. She makes her way down the last step. Stepping foot on the smooth concrete basement floor was comforting, yet that meant she now has to search for that stupid old light switch. She walks into a wooden drawer. She uses her hands to feel what it is. Her hands touch something that feels like powder. She concluded that "powder" being dust. The feeling of panic is rushing back again. Sweat was forming on her hands and slowly, dripping around her eyes, down her face. Blood is rushing down her face. Her face is beginning to burn up. She's suddenly feeling nauseous inside. She thinks positively and makes a detour from the drawer. She touches a smooth yet rough surface again. It's a brick wall. She made it to the wall. She's patting the wall in search for that light switch. Jackpot, she felt the light switch. Lauren felt like a bunch of bricks have fallen from her shoulders. She flipped the switch, but nothing happened. She tried again, but still nothing. The ancient light bulb must have burned out a long time ago.

Lauren has no more hope left inside. She makes a decision to go back up the stairs. This time, she's on her hands and knees. She kneels on the cold, solid ground. She crawls into to something firm, but light. When she pushed it, it slid over. She used her hands to identify what this object was. It was an empty cardboard box. She pushed it to her left. Finally, she reached her first step. Slowly, she made her way up one cold step at a time. Suddenly, a sharp pain hits her head. It had a rough surface. It was the stair railing. Somehow, she managed to crawl right into the railing. A few minutes later, she found herself face-to-face with the solid, rusty-hinged door . She twisted the rusty door knob and she was free at last. A burst of brightness hit her eyes, as if she was a newborn opening its eyes for the first time.

Lauren ran out of the darkness and caught up with her friends. Her friends were calling her name, but apparently, she didn't hear them. She told them what happened. Janice warned her in the first place. Lauren agreed to never step foot in a basement again alone, or at least without a flashlight!

Friday, September 16, 2011

[CE] Japan Six Months From Disaster

This is from Al Jazeera.
Ceremonies to mourn the dead and rallies against nuclear power are taking place across Japan as the nation marks six months since the March 11 earthquake and tsunami that killed thousands of people.
I'm so angry because this is my second time typing this. When we were at the computer lab, I began writing this and I didn't finish because we had to leave. I pressed the "save" button, and it didn't save at all. I think it was because of that old computer I used. Now I'm trying to remember what I typed.

So anyways, it has been six months since the 7.9 earthquake struck as well as the tsunami in Japan. A special ceremony took place in Japan to memorize the lives that were lost. I can't believe it has been six months since the devastation occurred. I remember watching this event being all over the news. It's scary how it also affected us here.

Mother nature could be so dangerous. Japan is still recovering from the event today. And what about the radiation from the Fukashima Nuclear Power Plant? That is also a huge issue.

When the earthquake first struck Japan, the first thing that came to my mind was, 'What's going to happen after this?'. Later on, the tsunami hit and it was heartbreaking watching it on the news. Imagine actually being there in person in that type of situation. I am sure you all watched it on the news, so I'm not going to sit here and explain everything I saw. It's amazing how everyone in Japan got together and remembered their loved ones after an incident so tragic.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

[RE] Response to "Be Happy With What You Have"

This is my response to Enkhlen's post.
We don’t realize how important and valuable a person is until that person is gone. So I would like to say be thankful and satisfied with what you have.
 I totally agree with Enkhlen's quote. You truly don't realize who is important to you until they are gone. Sometimes, if it's family or a friend, you have to appreciate what you have and take advantage of that. Even though you could be in a bad mood, or angry/upset with something, don't take it out on someone who has nothing to do with your own problem. Especially your parents. Even if you're mad at them today, don't be immature and hold a grudge against them. Just move on with your life and respect the fact that you have parents who love and care for you.

I somewhat feel like I am kind of shifting topics a little... Oh well, whatever. Anyways, I sometimes here kids complain about their lives and parents. It's so annoying how you can just sit there and complain about what you're grateful of even having. Mostly about your own parents. You should be lucky to even be alive. They basically provide a living for you. Thanks to them, you have a comforting place to live in, food to eat, warm clothes to wear, and so much more.

I guess some people don't notice this because we just go through so much in our daily lives. There's some people who don't even have parents with them anymore and they regret the fact that they didn't appreciate what they had when it was still available. Take advantage of every second you have in your life because it won't last forever.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

[FREE] Remembering 9/11

I spent almost my whole day today watching documentaries about 9/11 on the National Geographic channel, because i have nothing better to do in my life. Please don't be annoyed with all my postings of this topic. I hope there isn't a certain limit to posting blogs about 9/11. I just can't seem to not right about something big like this event. If you know what I am trying to say. I was about to shed a tear while watching it. It was heartbreaking just watching the the south tower collapse, then slowly afterwards, the north tower. I saw some people who just gave up hope and jumped out of a window.

A brutal fight against  terrorists and passengers occurred in the cockpit of a hijacked plane. That plane was intended to crash into the Capital building. But crashed into a town in Pennsylvania instead. Seeing the airplanes fly into the Twin Towers at a couple hundred miles per hour was horrifying to watch. Imagine being there at the incident. What would you do? Where would you run? Imagine what all those victims went through.

I was just sitting in my living room, watching one documentary after another. If only I understood what was happening on this day ten years ago. I remember this tragedy being on every newscasts, but i just didn't comprehend what was actually going on. Finally, after ten years, i understand what really happened, like Bin Laden's plan, his clan who were involved in the hijacking, and so on.

We will all remember that day, even if the Twin Towers aren't standing there. Memorizing the lives that were lost during this devastating event. September 11, 2001 has become a part of history. I think I also heard something about another World Trade Center Being built. It will be finish in about 2015 though.

Friday, September 9, 2011

[RE] Response to "A Stupid Mistake": I agree

This is my response to David Yu's post.
Why he got shot you asked? Well its because one of the US soldier thought Ahmed Omed was a suicide bomber.
It's sad when you hear about an innocent person being killed for a mistaken identity. Ahmed was just a journalist doing a report when he suddenly gets shot by a U.S. soldier. Plus, he was only twenty-five, which is still pretty young. I respect the fact that this is their duty, but mistaking someone for being an enemy is something I wouldn't say messed up, but yeah.

 If I were to be in the soldier's position, I would be thinking about maybe pulling the trigger, if I saw suspicious action. However, Ahmed wasn't pulling a grenade out or anything. This whole incident was basically,... a huge misunderstanding. It's unfortunate, that something like this occurred. I remember watching the news this one time, and an incident similar to this happened in Oakland. It's sad for the victim's family. This is kind of a wake-up call to people when something like this happens. It shows that we have trust issues, yet we have the right to do what we think is safe for our surroundings.

Like what David said about being mistaken for somebody else, it's something people have to be aware of because it can be preventable, just as long you don't look like the "bad guy".

[CE] The Heros of 9/11

So I have decided to blog about 9/11 again. Except this is for my current event post. Anyways, after watching this video clip, I gained so much more respect and appreciation for police officers as well as fire fighters. They are truly heros to that devastating event as well as to everyday life. Speaking of heros, all those volunteers who took the time to sacrifice their own lives is just incredible. I mean they really risked their lives by going through all that rubble and debri, also exposing themselves to dangerous toxins.

Particularly the man in the video clip above. He now has to live with these life long conditions because of some of the amazing stuff he has accomplished ten years ago. I can just barely imagine the condition of Ground Zero right after the incident. The clean up procedure must have felt like it took forever.

I can honestly say that this year's anniversary of 9/11 has been the most meaningful to me. I just feel like I learned so much more about this event than the previous years. It seems like the whole nation came together at one point during the tragedy. The emotional impact took a toll in many lives of people during that time until this day.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

[FREE] My Thoughts On 9/11

So today in English class, we were talking about 9/11. September 11, 2001 was horrific day to many. So many innocent lives were taken that day. I remember being so little when this tragic event occurred. I guess I didn't really understand what was going on except for the fact that it was all over the news/media. Growing up and going through the anniversary of 9/11 every year made me aware of all the situations going on in the U.S. Coincidentally, I was just watching a documentary on 9/11 on tv. Seeing the World Trade Center fall to the ground instantly gave me goosebumps. I mean it literally just crumbles to the ground creating a mess afterwards. The aftermath was obviously difficult to take in. So in a couple of days will be the 10th anniversary of that day. I guess we'll just have to learn to cope with the present/future and appreciate what we have now, also memorizing the ones who's lives were taken by something super tragic!!.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

[BC] A Little Bit of Me...

Hello. My name is Vivian. Well here I am writing about myself... again, but I am obviously not telling you every single detail of me. Duh! Read my title. I feel like I write something like this every school year. So some things I like to do for fun is swimming, bike riding, spending time with my family, and traveling. I am the oldest sibling of three sisters. I guess you can say that I have a big family including all of my relatives. Anyways, I went to elementary school and middle school here on the island. Last school year, I joined the swim team here at our school. It was overall a good experience, although I'm not the fastest or strongest swimmer, I still enjoy it. I also made some new friends as well. One thing that not many people know about me is that I love water sports. I get it from my dad. And guess what? I got certified as a junior scuba diver a few summers ago. At times, it was difficult because of all the heavy equipment, but it was a fun experience. To give you an idea of my experience, I swam through jellyfishes (kind of creepy), I was surrounded by kelp and seaweed and I saw starfishes all over the ocean floor. Oh, by the way, this was in Monterey. Anyways, moving on from water sports, something I want to do more of is to travel. My family has always been interested in traveling to other places. The only country I have been to outside of the United States is Vietnam and Taipei. Well the only place I have been to in Taipei is actually the airport. But still... Okay, now when I am I going to reach five hundred words? It feels like this is taking forever. I forgot to mention that I like to draw. I draw in my spare time. I know it may sound lame or boring for me to say that I draw for no reason. But it is something I enjoy doing. During class, I doodle on my notes, but in art class, my skills are shown by my grades. I use to carry a sketch book around me. By being in this class, I hope to increase my vocabulary skills as well as become a better writer in general. This is my first time blogging, so please take it easy on me. By posting all these blogs, hopefully I will gain better writing experience. To be honest, English was never my favorite subject. I have never been creatively good on writing essays. I guess I just don't know how to make my writing seem or sound exciting. I will just keep on trying harder and harder to improve my writing. You know, I never really expected or pictured myself to have or even create a blog. But here I am writing my first blog. Well I hope you kept yourself awake from reading my boring blog. :)