Friday, September 16, 2011

[CE] Japan Six Months From Disaster

This is from Al Jazeera.
Ceremonies to mourn the dead and rallies against nuclear power are taking place across Japan as the nation marks six months since the March 11 earthquake and tsunami that killed thousands of people.
I'm so angry because this is my second time typing this. When we were at the computer lab, I began writing this and I didn't finish because we had to leave. I pressed the "save" button, and it didn't save at all. I think it was because of that old computer I used. Now I'm trying to remember what I typed.

So anyways, it has been six months since the 7.9 earthquake struck as well as the tsunami in Japan. A special ceremony took place in Japan to memorize the lives that were lost. I can't believe it has been six months since the devastation occurred. I remember watching this event being all over the news. It's scary how it also affected us here.

Mother nature could be so dangerous. Japan is still recovering from the event today. And what about the radiation from the Fukashima Nuclear Power Plant? That is also a huge issue.

When the earthquake first struck Japan, the first thing that came to my mind was, 'What's going to happen after this?'. Later on, the tsunami hit and it was heartbreaking watching it on the news. Imagine actually being there in person in that type of situation. I am sure you all watched it on the news, so I'm not going to sit here and explain everything I saw. It's amazing how everyone in Japan got together and remembered their loved ones after an incident so tragic.

1 comment:

  1. What do you think about nuclear power as an energy source in other parts of the world? Check this post out and jump in if you want:
