Sunday, September 11, 2011

[FREE] Remembering 9/11

I spent almost my whole day today watching documentaries about 9/11 on the National Geographic channel, because i have nothing better to do in my life. Please don't be annoyed with all my postings of this topic. I hope there isn't a certain limit to posting blogs about 9/11. I just can't seem to not right about something big like this event. If you know what I am trying to say. I was about to shed a tear while watching it. It was heartbreaking just watching the the south tower collapse, then slowly afterwards, the north tower. I saw some people who just gave up hope and jumped out of a window.

A brutal fight against  terrorists and passengers occurred in the cockpit of a hijacked plane. That plane was intended to crash into the Capital building. But crashed into a town in Pennsylvania instead. Seeing the airplanes fly into the Twin Towers at a couple hundred miles per hour was horrifying to watch. Imagine being there at the incident. What would you do? Where would you run? Imagine what all those victims went through.

I was just sitting in my living room, watching one documentary after another. If only I understood what was happening on this day ten years ago. I remember this tragedy being on every newscasts, but i just didn't comprehend what was actually going on. Finally, after ten years, i understand what really happened, like Bin Laden's plan, his clan who were involved in the hijacking, and so on.

We will all remember that day, even if the Twin Towers aren't standing there. Memorizing the lives that were lost during this devastating event. September 11, 2001 has become a part of history. I think I also heard something about another World Trade Center Being built. It will be finish in about 2015 though.

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