Thursday, September 22, 2011

[FREE] Insane Weather

What is with the weather in the bay area? It is currently September and it is like 90 degrees outside. It has been extremely hot lately. I can barely sleep at night. I lay in bed tossing and turning because it's sooo hot. I am glad I don't have PE at the end of the day. I would be sweating like crazy.

I think the weather was like this last year too. There was a couple of days in the fall last year  when there was a heat wave or something like that... I don't know. It sucks how the weather was not like this when it was actually summer. It is now fall and the weather is how it should be like in the summer. Weird huh?.. I hear it's suppose to cool down this weekend though. I just think it is strange having it be so hot when it's already fall. The past few days have been extra tiring because of this weather. I feel more lazier then i usually am. But I guess that's just me. This heat is just slowing me down more than i was before.

I mean don't get me wrong about hating on this weather. I just prefer the hot weather rather then  the cold. The classrooms are just really hot. Don't we have any a/c at our school? In each one of my classes, it is soo stuffy and hot in there. Plus I walk home after school, which makes pretty much makes everything worse.