Friday, September 23, 2011

[RE] Jumping to Conclusions

This is from Sharon's blog.

If someone says to be them self then they shouldn't judge the person for who he/she is. Every time someone jumps to a conclusion when they don't even know one thing about that person.
 I totally agree with you here Sharon. The phrase "don't judge a book by it's cover" basically explains it all. I believe it is wrong to judge someone you don't even really know. I mean that is just plain rude to talk bs about someone behind their back. I hear people all the time talking about others and it annoys me. Honestly, I am sure we all have done this before, and probably regret it. If somebody is being their self, why are you going to judge them for being who they are? That's messed up.

I do get frustrated sometimes, like Sharon mentioned, when people do this. In my opinion, it is unfair. If you don't know someone, at least get to know them before you even start to talk crap about them. I talked about this subject some time before, and every time it comes up, it makes me angry. Don't get me wrong, but I am just trying to speak my mind here.

Well it's not like I can change all the judgemental people in the world. People who are judgemental should keep in mind that when they judge people they barely know, it is obnoxious and immature. Don't jump to conclusions when you don't know someone, or else you might regret it.

1 comment:

  1. I agree completely. We live in a very judgmental world and realizing this I try to give everyone a lot of chances to display their true character. It's sad that people are given almost no chance by employers and even society as a whole based solely upon their appearance/identity.
