Friday, September 9, 2011

[CE] The Heros of 9/11

So I have decided to blog about 9/11 again. Except this is for my current event post. Anyways, after watching this video clip, I gained so much more respect and appreciation for police officers as well as fire fighters. They are truly heros to that devastating event as well as to everyday life. Speaking of heros, all those volunteers who took the time to sacrifice their own lives is just incredible. I mean they really risked their lives by going through all that rubble and debri, also exposing themselves to dangerous toxins.

Particularly the man in the video clip above. He now has to live with these life long conditions because of some of the amazing stuff he has accomplished ten years ago. I can just barely imagine the condition of Ground Zero right after the incident. The clean up procedure must have felt like it took forever.

I can honestly say that this year's anniversary of 9/11 has been the most meaningful to me. I just feel like I learned so much more about this event than the previous years. It seems like the whole nation came together at one point during the tragedy. The emotional impact took a toll in many lives of people during that time until this day.

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