Tuesday, September 13, 2011

[RE] Response to "Be Happy With What You Have"

This is my response to Enkhlen's post.
We don’t realize how important and valuable a person is until that person is gone. So I would like to say be thankful and satisfied with what you have.
 I totally agree with Enkhlen's quote. You truly don't realize who is important to you until they are gone. Sometimes, if it's family or a friend, you have to appreciate what you have and take advantage of that. Even though you could be in a bad mood, or angry/upset with something, don't take it out on someone who has nothing to do with your own problem. Especially your parents. Even if you're mad at them today, don't be immature and hold a grudge against them. Just move on with your life and respect the fact that you have parents who love and care for you.

I somewhat feel like I am kind of shifting topics a little... Oh well, whatever. Anyways, I sometimes here kids complain about their lives and parents. It's so annoying how you can just sit there and complain about what you're grateful of even having. Mostly about your own parents. You should be lucky to even be alive. They basically provide a living for you. Thanks to them, you have a comforting place to live in, food to eat, warm clothes to wear, and so much more.

I guess some people don't notice this because we just go through so much in our daily lives. There's some people who don't even have parents with them anymore and they regret the fact that they didn't appreciate what they had when it was still available. Take advantage of every second you have in your life because it won't last forever.

1 comment:

  1. I don't think you are "shifting topics." What part of your writing did you feel was drifting off? Did you express what you were trying to get across?

    I thought Enkhlen had a good point, too...Thanks for backin' her up!
