Friday, September 9, 2011

[RE] Response to "A Stupid Mistake": I agree

This is my response to David Yu's post.
Why he got shot you asked? Well its because one of the US soldier thought Ahmed Omed was a suicide bomber.
It's sad when you hear about an innocent person being killed for a mistaken identity. Ahmed was just a journalist doing a report when he suddenly gets shot by a U.S. soldier. Plus, he was only twenty-five, which is still pretty young. I respect the fact that this is their duty, but mistaking someone for being an enemy is something I wouldn't say messed up, but yeah.

 If I were to be in the soldier's position, I would be thinking about maybe pulling the trigger, if I saw suspicious action. However, Ahmed wasn't pulling a grenade out or anything. This whole incident was basically,... a huge misunderstanding. It's unfortunate, that something like this occurred. I remember watching the news this one time, and an incident similar to this happened in Oakland. It's sad for the victim's family. This is kind of a wake-up call to people when something like this happens. It shows that we have trust issues, yet we have the right to do what we think is safe for our surroundings.

Like what David said about being mistaken for somebody else, it's something people have to be aware of because it can be preventable, just as long you don't look like the "bad guy".

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