Thursday, October 20, 2011

[FREE] Tragic Accident: Toddler Ranover by 2 Cars

*this post is a response, but it's my free post*

I couldn't help to not write about this from Sarina's post. Sarina and I were talking about how selfish and stupid the drivers and witnesses were when we were in the multimedia art class that one day. To be honest, I was afraid to watch the video. I only watched the first thirty seconds of the video. It was heartbreaking just reading about it, and the video was even worse. I felt chills down my spine.

I don't understand how 18 people could have walked away from that. Are they seriouslt blind or something. Those people literally stepped right over the poor little girl. Just typing this is making me angry!! Plus, for the drivers to just leave the scene like nothing had happened is bs. That looks like a really narrow street with stores on both sides. Wouldn't that mean there are people around there? Can't they see a little girl laying in the streets in obvious pain? What is a matter with them? I have a three year-old sister, and hearing /seeing this almost brought me to tears as well.

 In this case, those two drivers were only thinking about thereselves and the trouble they'd be in. There are consequences to these actions. The would eventually get caught and be in prison anyways. I just cannot believe they didn't get out of their car to help the little girl or at least call for help. Instead, they just drove away and totally ignored her. Also, why didn't those 18 people do something too? If you see someone hurt, isn't your first instinct to call for some help? That's just common sense! I hope the girl's family is dealing with this fatal accident okay. That would be immpossible for me. I'm just saying.

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