Thursday, October 20, 2011

[RE] Being Immature or Acting Your Age?

This is my response to Sharon's post.
i think people should stop worrying about other things going on around them, and just do something fun. Your never too old to have some fun. You can do whatever you want whenever you want. It's not gonna hurt just being something you want.
I agree with what Sharon is saying here but, I also think the opposite, if that makes any sense whatsoever.. You are obviously never too old to have some fun in your life. By the way, I had mentioned something like this in my recent biweekly column. I sometimes here people say "age is but a number". At times, I feel that people should act their age, yet on the other hand, we have to be more carefree and let loose sometimes. I guess there are pros and cons to acting your age and being mature/immature.

When I see people doing dumb things in public, I ask myself, "Why do people act so stupid on purpose?". I am not sure if I am going off topic or not, but whatever. Maybe it is because those certain people are in desperate need for attention. I am kind of taking Sharon's post and responding to it at a further extent. I don't know...Anyways, there is nothing wrong with acting like a little kid and having some fun. Just don't get carried away and make a fool of yourself. Maturity and immaturity are completely opposites. I guess it depends on the situation for us to act like one or the other.

1 comment:

  1. People shouldn't judge people based on their age. It's degrading and destructive. However, it's fine to judge people based on maturity.
    But maturity means different things to different cultures, for example, Mexico celebrates womanhood at age 15 with a quincenera, but Japan waits until age 20 to have a coming-of-age celebration.
    To me, maturity is based upon eagerness to learn and be open, as well as competence in basic, necessary things like how to live on your own and maintain a living space.

    It's also kind of respecting others pretty much regardless of the situation. I think this is pretty much the most important aspect of maturity as we know it. A lot of the immaturity I see in the halls is just people being loud and rude.
