Friday, September 23, 2011

[CE] Deadly Typhoon in Japan

This is from Al Jazeera.
It was the second big storm to hit Japan this month after Typhoon Talas hit western Japan and left about 100 people dead or missing. Around two to four typhoons make landfall each year in Japan.
 First the earthquake, then the tsunami, and now a typhoon in Japan. That is pretty scary. So many people had to cope with the ones they lost and now another natural disaster is occurring. What does Mother Nature have on us? I guess she is just very unpredictable. We obviously cannot control Mother Nature.

Because Japan is made up of many little islands, it is more common to have these type of situations there in comparison to here. It is unfortunate how events like this happen in the world sometimes. Fortunately, the Fukashima Power Plant was not affected by this natural disaster, although there were some glitches here and there. But at least no radiation was leaked into the water. If it did, that would would be a whole other story.

Looking back, the people of Japan have gone through some tough times this year. It is devastating to see others go through a difficult yet scary situation like this. Imagine actually being in their place, or even worse, being in a situation like that in person and going through the aftermath. The thought of that is terrfiying. Well at least for me. I hope the people of Japan will recover from everything they have been through. Hopefully, they will move on with positive thoughts on what has happened.

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