Friday, October 14, 2011

[FREE] Homecoming Assembly

I couldn't thing of a topic to write about for my free post. I am running out of ideas for what to write about for my free posts. Anyways, I decided to write about homecoming this year. This years pep rally wasn't as exciting, I guess you can say, as last year. That is just my opinion. In last years homecoming, there was a lot of music, the races felt longer, there was a cheer routine, etc.

The sophomores this year were actually loud. I remember being a freshman last year, and everyone was so quiet. Most of us last year just sat there, well at least I did. I guess it was just a totally, new experience. Something I am not used to. Today, so many people wore there class colors. Everyone at school was super colorful and some people went a little overboard. Oh yeah, when the principle made an announcement on the loud speaker about the paint in the hallways and safety concerns, I honestly thought that homecoming was going to be cancelled. But good thing it wasn't. Homecomings are fun to go to. It was overall really fun. There is just so much spirit and it gets you all hyped up. GO SOPHOMORES-2014!!!! I can't wait until next year. We will be juniors already. Finally green, a color that I own a lot of!  Then after we are going to be seniors, than no more AHS. Wow... it is finally getting to me.  I can't believe we are already half way through high school. It is going by too fast

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