Friday, October 14, 2011

[CE] Floods and Landslides Hit Guatemala

Another deadly natural disaster has happened, but this time in Guatemala instead of southeast Asia. It is very sad to watch something like this. To see all those people suffer with what had happened, especially those little kids in the video. There looks to be some very heavy rain there. It is scary to see what Mother Nature can do. I am sure I said something like that in one of my previous current events post. Anyways, I can barely imagine what it would feel like to have all of your personal belongings destroyed, but more importantly, have your house be flooded.

Most of those people are now having to live in public shelters because their homes are destroyed. In some areas in the video, I notice the water being a pretty deep for a small/young child, which is a safety concern. If I were to be in this kind of situation, I don't know what I would do besides worry about this and that. I am sure the Guatemalans are worrying about the outcome inside, but they don't seem to be afraid. I don't know what I am trying to say anymore. Anyways, it is good to see that they are dealing with this event positively and no one seems to be a wreckless mess, at least not in this video. On the other hand, thirteen people died unfortunately from this. Once the flooding is over, the streets of Guatemala will be covered with peoples' pesonal belongings and debri. When the damage is over, as well as the cleaning up, hopefully the peoples' lifestyle will return to normal again. They obviously won't forget what had happened though.

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