Tuesday, October 11, 2011

[BC] Live Life to its Fullest

This paragraph from Steve Jobs' speech really caught my attention:

Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything — all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure - these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose.
                                                                                             - Steve Jobs, in a 2005 speech

I definitely agree with Jobs' advice here because I believe he is absolutely correct, at least in my opinion. Sometimes, you just have to live life like there is no tomorrow. We are not going to be living forever, so we might as well live life to it's fullest!

Here I am reading Job's advice over and over again, I feel like I understand the concepts, choices, and obstacles in life much better. When he mentions that we will all eventually die (obviously), everything becomes more real. Our death motivates us and the actions that go with it. All of our choices and accomplishments in life is our decision and whether we want do it or not. Knowing that death will soon arrive, we are more determined to do what we do, even if we have nothing to lose. Death is basically a reminder for us to do what we do. Also, death sets a boundary for what we want to do. What I mean by that is by knowing death is there, we will do whatever is necessary. I am not sure if I am making sense here...

In life, we all make mistakes, we probably failed at something, and  we were embarrassed by some of our actions. Sometimes you just have to put all of the negative things aside and focus on the more positive and important things in life. As death will soon approach us, we have to dig a little deeper in what is more important in life. You could wake up one day and have the sudden urge to complete a certain task. Just do it. Do what you feel is important to you. Someday, you won't we able to do whatever you intended to do, and you regret the fact that you had the chance, but gave it up.

I know that every single one of us has probably dealt with some insecurities before. Sometimes our emotions can overwhelm an individual. Because it could be something negative, we just got to ignore it and simply move on. The various choices in life enables us to make decisions that could determine our future. I now have a greater respect for life after reading this. Honestly, before reading part of Jobs' speech, I never really noticed how death is shaping our actions and accomplishments. Overall, I completely understand what Jobs' is trying to say here. Always remember to follow your instincts and enjoy life.

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