Tuesday, October 25, 2011

[CE] Baby Rescued From Earthquake In Turkey

This is from Al Jazeera.
Rescue workers have dug deeper into collapsed buildings in southeast Turkey in a bid to find those still trapped following an earthquake, as the death toll has risen above 400 people, with more than 1,000 people injured. In a remarkable episode on Tuesday that raised hopes that more survivors could yet be found, a two-week-old baby was pulled alive from the rubble, almost two days after being buried inside a collapsed apartment building. Rescue workers then pulled out the baby's mother, Semiha Karaduman, and grandmother, Gulzade Karaduman, to cheers and applause. Listening devices were being used to help locate people. The baby was in good health, but has been sent to a hospital in Ankara, the capital. 
After the 7.2 magnitude earthquake located in Turkey on Saturday, approximately five hundred aftershocks occurred. That is just insane. A two-week-old baby was found under debris in the Van region. Fortunately, the baby, mother, and grandmother made it through the earthquake, let alone surviving under all that rubble.

Workers and volunteers are using heavy machinery to make their way through the debris. It takes time, but it is definitely worth it if some one's life is on the line. Anyways, back to the baby. The baby wasn't even a month old yet! That is a very serious and dangerous situation to be in. The victims of the earthquake are still struggling. Luckily the baby, mother, and grandmother are safe now. Unfortunately, there are still other people out there somewhere.

[FREE] A Dream Deferred

A Dream Deferred
by Langston Hughes
   What happens to a dream deferred?
Does it dry up
like a raisin in the sun?
Or fester like a sore--
And then run?
Does it stink like rotten meat?
Or crust and sugar over--
like a syrupy sweet?
Maybe it just sags
like a heavy load.
Or does it explode?

A dream deferred is never forgotten. It is there, but not accomplished. I am sure we all have aspirations to achieve in life. There's usually an obstacle in our way. We have the option to overcome it, or we can ignore it and leave it as it is. 

 When I was younger, I was taught that if you have a good education, you will get into a good university, most likely have a good paying job, and basically a successful future. Of course I dream of graduating form high school, entering a university, and having a good career that pays good and enjoy. At this moment, I am putting those dreams aside, and working my way up towards them. Obviously, I have to go to school everyday to fulfill my dreams of pursuing them one day. 

It is sometimes necessary to defer a certain dream. Those dreams are temporarily put aside for a reason. Maybe you are progressing slowly towards it. Maybe you still aren't ready to reach it. Maybe you just need some more time. Just remember to not let the dream overpower you. Keep in mind that it takes time to achieve a dream.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

[CE] Bangkok Deals With Floods

This is from Al Jazeera.
The prime minister of Thailand has given no assurances that Bangkok would be saved from the rising floodwaters currently overwhelming sandbag walls on its outskirts. Residents were advised to move their possessions to higher floors or areas on Friday as the Thai capital braced for the arrival of the floods from the central plains, which are several metres under water in places. Three months of heavy monsoon rains have killed more than 300 people, damaged the homes and livelihoods of millions of Thais, mostly in the north and centre, and forced tens of thousands to seek refuge in shelters. The floods have not come, but the sense of imminent doom is growing by the day. One measure of the fear are the protective walls of sandbags scattered across the city's canals, homes and shop-fronts are expanding in number and height daily.
These floods are definitely stirring up a national crisis. This is really serious. Nobody can stop the floods from happening, whether soldiers or polices are called in. The people of Thailand are having to seek for higher grounds. All of their belongings will be damaged and lost. Some Thais even parked their cars on top of freeways/highways, to avoid the worsening floods.

The residents of Bangkok were warned to evacuate to higher grounds as soon as possible. I was watching the video clip, and I see all these people: young children, kids, adults and even elders. They were calmly making their way through the brown-watered flood. If I was there, I would be so scared for what to happen next. Plus all the damage. The expenses, and clean up process would be a lot to take in.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

[FREE] Tragic Accident: Toddler Ranover by 2 Cars

*this post is a response, but it's my free post*

I couldn't help to not write about this from Sarina's post. Sarina and I were talking about how selfish and stupid the drivers and witnesses were when we were in the multimedia art class that one day. To be honest, I was afraid to watch the video. I only watched the first thirty seconds of the video. It was heartbreaking just reading about it, and the video was even worse. I felt chills down my spine.

I don't understand how 18 people could have walked away from that. Are they seriouslt blind or something. Those people literally stepped right over the poor little girl. Just typing this is making me angry!! Plus, for the drivers to just leave the scene like nothing had happened is bs. That looks like a really narrow street with stores on both sides. Wouldn't that mean there are people around there? Can't they see a little girl laying in the streets in obvious pain? What is a matter with them? I have a three year-old sister, and hearing /seeing this almost brought me to tears as well.

 In this case, those two drivers were only thinking about thereselves and the trouble they'd be in. There are consequences to these actions. The would eventually get caught and be in prison anyways. I just cannot believe they didn't get out of their car to help the little girl or at least call for help. Instead, they just drove away and totally ignored her. Also, why didn't those 18 people do something too? If you see someone hurt, isn't your first instinct to call for some help? That's just common sense! I hope the girl's family is dealing with this fatal accident okay. That would be immpossible for me. I'm just saying.

[RE] Being Immature or Acting Your Age?

This is my response to Sharon's post.
i think people should stop worrying about other things going on around them, and just do something fun. Your never too old to have some fun. You can do whatever you want whenever you want. It's not gonna hurt just being something you want.
I agree with what Sharon is saying here but, I also think the opposite, if that makes any sense whatsoever.. You are obviously never too old to have some fun in your life. By the way, I had mentioned something like this in my recent biweekly column. I sometimes here people say "age is but a number". At times, I feel that people should act their age, yet on the other hand, we have to be more carefree and let loose sometimes. I guess there are pros and cons to acting your age and being mature/immature.

When I see people doing dumb things in public, I ask myself, "Why do people act so stupid on purpose?". I am not sure if I am going off topic or not, but whatever. Maybe it is because those certain people are in desperate need for attention. I am kind of taking Sharon's post and responding to it at a further extent. I don't know...Anyways, there is nothing wrong with acting like a little kid and having some fun. Just don't get carried away and make a fool of yourself. Maturity and immaturity are completely opposites. I guess it depends on the situation for us to act like one or the other.

Friday, October 14, 2011

[CE] Floods and Landslides Hit Guatemala

Another deadly natural disaster has happened, but this time in Guatemala instead of southeast Asia. It is very sad to watch something like this. To see all those people suffer with what had happened, especially those little kids in the video. There looks to be some very heavy rain there. It is scary to see what Mother Nature can do. I am sure I said something like that in one of my previous current events post. Anyways, I can barely imagine what it would feel like to have all of your personal belongings destroyed, but more importantly, have your house be flooded.

Most of those people are now having to live in public shelters because their homes are destroyed. In some areas in the video, I notice the water being a pretty deep for a small/young child, which is a safety concern. If I were to be in this kind of situation, I don't know what I would do besides worry about this and that. I am sure the Guatemalans are worrying about the outcome inside, but they don't seem to be afraid. I don't know what I am trying to say anymore. Anyways, it is good to see that they are dealing with this event positively and no one seems to be a wreckless mess, at least not in this video. On the other hand, thirteen people died unfortunately from this. Once the flooding is over, the streets of Guatemala will be covered with peoples' pesonal belongings and debri. When the damage is over, as well as the cleaning up, hopefully the peoples' lifestyle will return to normal again. They obviously won't forget what had happened though.

[FREE] Homecoming Assembly

I couldn't thing of a topic to write about for my free post. I am running out of ideas for what to write about for my free posts. Anyways, I decided to write about homecoming this year. This years pep rally wasn't as exciting, I guess you can say, as last year. That is just my opinion. In last years homecoming, there was a lot of music, the races felt longer, there was a cheer routine, etc.

The sophomores this year were actually loud. I remember being a freshman last year, and everyone was so quiet. Most of us last year just sat there, well at least I did. I guess it was just a totally, new experience. Something I am not used to. Today, so many people wore there class colors. Everyone at school was super colorful and some people went a little overboard. Oh yeah, when the principle made an announcement on the loud speaker about the paint in the hallways and safety concerns, I honestly thought that homecoming was going to be cancelled. But good thing it wasn't. Homecomings are fun to go to. It was overall really fun. There is just so much spirit and it gets you all hyped up. GO SOPHOMORES-2014!!!! I can't wait until next year. We will be juniors already. Finally green, a color that I own a lot of!  Then after we are going to be seniors, than no more AHS. Wow... it is finally getting to me.  I can't believe we are already half way through high school. It is going by too fast